Budapest Post

Cum Deo pro Patria et Libertate
Thursday, Dec 26, 2024

The Turkish President Offered His Country's Mediation to Resolve the Conflict

On Friday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan offered his country's mediation during a phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to resolve the Ukrainian-Russian conflict.
During the call, a range of regional and global issues were discussed, with special focus on the war between Ukraine and Russia. President Erdogan communicated that Turkey is actively engaging in intensive efforts to curb the bloodshed in Ukraine as well as in Palestinian territories, aiming to guarantee lasting peace. He announced that Turkey is ready to assume the role of mediator and engage in negotiations to ensure peace in Ukraine, according to the statement issued by the Turkish Presidential Office.

Erdogan also highlighted the importance of reinstating and operationalizing the Black Sea grain corridor. He stated that he will continue diplomatic talks aimed at this objective, emphasizing the urgent need for a ceasefire in Ukraine.

Following the phone conversation, Zelensky praised Turkey's partnership role in the Black Sea region during his evening video address. "We have joint projects which have been successful; this year we need to do even more to strengthen our countries and peoples," stressed the Ukrainian President. He pointed out that global food security and the security of the Black Sea depend on Ukrainian-Turkish cooperation.

Zelensky thanked Erdogan for the support provided to Ukraine's grain exports and also mentioned Ankara's role as a mediator. "Turkey's mediation is very important for the release of the Crimean Tatars and others - adults and children, soldiers as well as civilians - who are held in Russian captivity," he said.

Additionally, the Ukrainian President extended his thanks to the Ukrainian soldiers, remarking, "To survive this year is to survive the entire war."

The gesture from the Turkish President underlines the country's ongoing commitment to peacebuilding efforts in the region and highlights the key role it plays on the international stage in facilitating dialogue and negotiations between conflicting parties.

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