Budapest Post

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Authorities Fail to Arrest Ousted South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol

Law Enforcement Stymied by Presidential Security Unit and Public Resistance
Authorities in South Korea failed to execute an arrest warrant for ousted President Yoon Suk-yeol at his residence in Seoul, as law enforcement officials faced resistance from the presidential security unit and encountered logistical obstacles.

Arrest Attempt Blocked
In the early hours of Friday, investigators from the police and the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission attempted to carry out an arrest warrant issued by the Seoul District Court earlier this week.

However, upon arrival, they were met with a security detail responsible for protecting the former president.

After initial entry into the residence grounds, law enforcement officials were blocked by vehicles and other barricades, forcing them to abandon their mission.

Officials later confirmed that they were unable to execute the arrest order.

Yoon’s Response
Speaking outside his residence, Yoon denounced the arrest warrant as 'invalid and illegal,' asserting his commitment to 'fighting against forces undermining the state.' His legal team reiterated this stance, promising to challenge the warrant through the legal system.

In a New Year’s message to his supporters, Yoon vowed to continue his efforts to protect South Korea, despite his removal from office.

Background: Martial Law and Impeachment
Last month, Yoon declared martial law across South Korea, citing a need to protect the nation from what he described as 'communist forces from North Korea' and their alleged domestic allies.

This decision was met with widespread criticism.

The military, acting on Yoon’s orders, occupied government buildings, including the National Assembly, which had convened to debate the martial law declaration.

Despite military presence, parliament members voted unanimously to nullify the declaration.

Two weeks later, Yoon was impeached by parliament, a decision he condemned as a rejection of his efforts to ensure national security.

Despite his impeachment, Yoon has maintained his innocence and continues to assert his actions were necessary to protect South Korea’s democracy.

Legal Developments
The Seoul District Court issued an arrest warrant against Yoon earlier this week, citing potential charges of rebellion related to his martial law declaration.

The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission is investigating whether his actions constitute a violation of South Korean law.

The situation remains unresolved, with law enforcement’s inability to enforce the arrest warrant raising questions about the balance of power between the judiciary, military, and law enforcement agencies.

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