Budapest Post

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U.S. Surgeon General Advocates for Cancer Warnings on Alcoholic Beverages

Vivek Murthy emphasizes the connection between alcohol consumption and cancer, calling for revised warning labels and a reevaluation of drinking guidelines.
U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has advised that alcoholic beverages should have updated warning labels to educate consumers about their cancer risks.

On Friday, Murthy highlighted that alcohol consumption is linked to an increased risk of at least seven types of cancer, such as breast, colon, and liver cancer.

However, many Americans are still not aware of these dangers.

Murthy also recommended revisiting U.S. guidelines on alcohol consumption, which currently advise no more than two drinks per day for men and one for women.

"Alcohol consumption is the third leading preventable cause of cancer in the United States, following tobacco and obesity," stated his office, noting that the type of alcohol consumed does not change the risk.

The proposal has sparked reactions from industry groups and public health organizations.

The Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS) referenced studies suggesting that moderate alcohol consumption may lower overall mortality rates, while acknowledging a higher risk of breast cancer.

A spokesperson for the U.S. Beer Institute expressed support for responsible drinking practices.

Since 1988, alcohol products in the United States have carried warning labels about risks such as birth defects from drinking during pregnancy and impaired judgment when operating machinery. These warnings, printed in small text on packaging, have remained unchanged for decades.

Murthy’s recommendations call for updates to these labels, though not the prominent, cigarette-style warnings seen in tobacco regulation.

Murthy’s initiative is reminiscent of the landmark 1964 Surgeon General report on smoking, which led to tighter tobacco regulations in the following years.

However, some analysts caution that warning labels alone may have limited impact on consumer behavior, citing mixed results from tobacco policies.

Blake Droesch, an analyst with eMarketer, noted that while labels may not immediately affect alcohol producers, they could pose longer-term challenges for the industry.

The global public health community has increasingly scrutinized alcohol consumption.

The World Health Organization (WHO) asserts that there is no safe level of drinking, a position supported by data linking even small amounts of alcohol to health risks.

However, this stance remains debatable, with discussions on moderate drinking’s role in society and health ongoing.

Murthy’s report estimates that alcohol contributes to roughly 100,000 cancer cases and 20,000 cancer deaths annually in the U.S., along with over 13,500 alcohol-related traffic fatalities.

The advisory also mentioned that consuming two alcoholic drinks per day could lead to about five more women out of 100 and three more men out of 100 developing cancer over their lifetimes.

Some countries have already begun including cancer warnings on alcoholic beverages.

Ireland, for example, has implemented labeling requirements consistent with public health advice.

Meanwhile, lobbying efforts by major alcohol companies such as Diageo and Heineken are ongoing in the U.S., especially in anticipation of the 2025 update to the nation’s dietary guidelines.

President-elect Donald Trump’s administration may impact the direction of these recommendations.

Trump, who abstains from alcohol due to his brother’s death from alcoholism, has shown concern about its risks.

His nominee for Surgeon General, Janette Nesheiwat, and his pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has been open about his struggles with substance abuse, could influence future policy decisions.

Ultimately, any changes to alcohol labeling would require congressional approval.

As public health agencies, including the WHO, ramp up efforts to regulate alcohol similarly to tobacco, the debate over its risks, societal impact, and regulatory approaches is likely to continue.

For now, Murthy’s call for action has reignited discussions on the relationship between health, consumer awareness, and industry accountability.

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