Hungarian Finance Minister Mihály Varga Reveals Key Details on the Upcoming 13th Month Pension
Zsolt Nyitrai, a chief advisor to the Prime Minister, Hungarian Finance Minister Mihály Varga outlined the support measures provided to pensioners by the Hungarian government.
"The left took it away; we restored the 13th-month pension," emphasized MIHÁLY VARGA in Zsolt Nyitrai's video.
The finance minister reminded the audience that starting from Monday, our 2.5 million elderly compatriots will receive the 13th-month pension alongside February benefits.
According to Varga, this means that pensioners will receive an average of more than 460,000 forints this month. Index has also reported that due to the high cash payouts associated with the double pension payment, postal deliveries will start two days earlier than usual, on February 12th.
Mihály Varga highlighted that the budget "even in the current difficult and dangerous times" ensures the necessary foundation for the payment of the 13th-month pension which amounts to more than 1,000 billion forints. He recalled that last year's 18.5 percent increase was followed by a 6 percent increase in January, and overall, pensions have more than doubled since 2010, with their purchasing power increasing by 20 percent.
Chief advisor ZSOLT NYITRAI stated that "Hungary owes a great deal to its pensioners," therefore the government will always stand up for their interests and protect their benefits. In addition to reinstating the 13th-month pension, Nyitrai also mentioned that the state has paid a pension premium on five occasions, "which had never happened before 2010."