Animal welfare charity Blue Cross has warned of the dangers pets can face in hot weather.
Flat-faced breeds, such as British Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Pugs, and Persian cats, have an increased risk of getting heatstroke.
They’re even known to collapse, as their short muzzles can make breathing difficult, and therefore it’s even harder for them to keep cool.
Overweight and senior pets can also struggle in hot weather, so take extra care.
Caroline Reay, Head of Veterinary Services at Blue Cross, said: ‘Just recently we treated a two-year-old French bulldog who had been taken out on a run who had collapsed.
‘While we enjoy the sunshine and warm weather, it is important to make sure our pets are kept safe. They can quickly overheat and sometimes this can be extremely dangerous and even fatal.
‘The heatwave will certainly prove too hot for most of our pets, so please do walk dogs early in the morning and late at night when temperatures are lower.
‘Never leave your pet alone inside a car, even with windows open it can quickly become like an oven and dogs become overcome with the heat.’
Blue Cross also want to highlight that hot tarmac can burn your little buddy’s paws just like it might a human, so be careful where you walk them.
If you want to test if the ground is too hot, simply take your shoes off and see if you can stand for five seconds – if you can’t, it’s too hot for your dog.
It’s tempting to open all your windows in hot weather, but Blue Cross recommends installing screens and netting to help keep your pets from suffering a nasty fall.
The charity often also gets asked about giving dogs ice cubes in hot weather.
Caroline explains you need to take the size of your pet into consideration, saying: ‘It’s fine to give your dog ice cubes in the hot weather, but make sure the size of the cube is appropriate to the size of the dog.
‘For smaller breeds only offer small cubes or ice shavings.’
Watch out for the symptoms of heatstroke in your pets, which, as This Morning’s Dr Scott Miller previously warned, include ‘excessive amounts of panting’ and drooling.
He explained that heatstroke could also cause pets to lose their coordination, while, in the ‘worst case scenario’, they could collapse.
For dogs specifically, heatstroke presents with symptoms including:
* Heavy panting
* Excessive drooling
* Lethargy
* Drowsiness
* Lack of co-ordination
* Collapsing
* Vomiting
The symptoms of heatstroke in cats are:
* Agitation
* Stretching out and breathing rapidly
* Extreme distress
* Having skin hot to the touch
* Glazed eyes
* Vomiting and drooling