Budapest Post

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Austrian Liberals Withdraw from Coalition Talks, Leaving Government Formation in Disarray

The Neos party's sudden exit raises doubts over a centrist coalition and boosts the far-right Freedom Party's prospects
Austria's ongoing efforts to form a centrist government were thrown into turmoil on Friday as the Neos party, the smallest of the three groups in coalition talks, unexpectedly withdrew from negotiations.

The decision by the liberal Neos has heightened uncertainty about the country’s political future, providing a boost to the far-right Freedom Party (FPO), which won the most votes in the September parliamentary elections but was excluded from the coalition process.

### Neos' Withdrawal
The announcement by Neos leader Beate Meinl-Reisinger came during an emergency press conference, where she accused the two remaining negotiating parties—the conservative People’s Party (OVP) led by Chancellor Karl Nehammer, and the Social Democrats (SPO)—of lacking the resolve to make necessary but unpopular decisions.

"We Neos will not continue negotiations on a possible three-party coalition," Meinl-Reisinger declared, citing frustrations over tax reform and pension system modernization as key points of contention.

The Neos, which have never been part of a national government, have positioned themselves as champions of structural reform, including lower taxes and raising the retirement age.

Their sudden exit underscores the challenges of forming stable governments in Europe, where the far-right has gained ground, but mainstream parties remain hesitant to collaborate with them.

### A Narrow Path Forward
The two remaining parties, the OVP and SPO, now face a daunting task.

Together, they hold a razor-thin majority of just one seat in parliament, making any coalition agreement fragile and prone to collapse.

Key ideological differences further complicate the talks: the OVP has pledged not to raise taxes, while the SPO’s signature policy involves taxing wealth and inheritance, which the OVP opposes.

"Those involved have the choice between Scylla and Charybdis," said political analyst Thomas Hofer, referencing Greek mythology to illustrate the difficult options facing Austria’s political leaders.

### Blame and Tensions
In the wake of the Neos’ departure, the OVP and SPO quickly shifted blame.

OVP Secretary-General Christian Stocker accused "backward-looking forces in the SPO" of derailing negotiations, while the SPO criticized the Neos on social media, accusing them of targeting public-sector workers’ pay rather than addressing wealth inequality.

Meanwhile, the FPO wasted no time capitalizing on the chaos.

In a statement, the party attacked Chancellor Nehammer and likened his coalition talks to Germany’s failed "traffic-light coalition." "People have had enough! It's time for you to resign, Mr. Nehammer," the FPO declared on X.

### Limited Options
The FPO, which has seen its support grow since being excluded from coalition talks, remains a significant force.

Together with the OVP, the FPO could form a majority government.

However, Chancellor Nehammer has ruled out working with FPO leader Herbert Kickl, who insists he would lead any government involving his party.

The Greens, Nehammer’s current coalition partner, could rejoin the talks, but their strained relationship with the OVP makes this option uncertain.

A snap election is also a possibility, though polling suggests that both the OVP and SPO would fare worse, while the FPO continues to lead by a wide margin.

### European Implications
Austria’s political gridlock reflects broader challenges in Europe, where far-right parties are gaining traction amid voter dissatisfaction with traditional parties.

Like Germany and France, Austria faces the dilemma of balancing ideological differences while avoiding alliances with controversial far-right groups.

As the political stalemate deepens, Austria’s ability to navigate its domestic and European responsibilities hangs in the balance.

For now, the country remains without a clear path forward, with all eyes on the remaining coalition talks and the possibility of a renewed mandate through elections.

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